Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Act Guitar Studio In-Store

The band is sad in the morning.

Source: chloechaos

First Act Guitar Studio In-Store

"It's kind of like we're in a dragon shop."

Source: chloechaos

First Act Guitar Studio In-Store

Sara talks about playing on the east coast of Canada.

Source: chloechaos

First Act Guitar Studio In-Store

Goofing up the beginning of Back In Your Head at First Act Guitar Studio In-store.

Source: chloechaos

Lisner Auditorium

"The baby drank gin, too."

Tegan talks about her old neighbors, raccoons, a drunk baby, and why some of her songs ended up being soft and mean.

Source: wojo4hitz

Lisner Auditorium

Sara chats about how her dad is the only person alive that doesn't care about what he looks like on video.

Source: wojo4hitz

Lisner Auditorium

"So, basically you want us like a karaoke band."

Source: wojo4hitz

Mix-CD Stuff

Please let me know if you haven't received a mix-cd from me!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sara's MySpace Bulletin

Sara's MySpace bulletin on 29 Jan 2008:

" hello!!

today is a great day, and i have two special mentions to ...mention.

our dear friend and co-producer of "The con"...chris walla... is releasing his new solo record "field manual" today! and you should check out his myspace...

support a great artist and mind and buy the new record!


and secondly!! we have confirmed our good friends "an horse" as our support act for our spring USA tour! yay "an horse". check them out here:


have a great tuesday,


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Not banter, fan tribute.

Did I really just watch this?

Source: modestmoes

Coachella (2005)

Not banter but a short clip of Tegan and Sara at Coachella (2005).

Source: M2TH3P

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mix-CD Reminder

Just a reminder: Please post a comment if you have sent/received a CD or if you're still waiting for one. This way we'll know if there is a problem in mix-cd land.

Tegan and Sara: The Rise of Lesbian Rock Stars, in 4 Parts

"I gave interviews to gay press in America a couple weeks ago and almost every single interviewer asked me at some point or another in some way or another, why we didn’t talk more about being gay. In ten years, I don’t think I’ve done one interview where they haven’t asked me about being gay. [So] I disagree that there isn’t a lot of stuff about us being gay. I think it has been written about so much that people aren’t that interested in writing about it anymore because how many times can you say we’re gay? How many different ways can you say it? We’re gay." (read the whole interview with Tegan).

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


The 2008 Coachella line-up was announced.

Tegan and Sara will be playing on Friday, April 25th.

Check out the line-up.

Comm Bank Arts Ctr

Tegan is the type of girl who always want to give people flowers.

Sara talks about forgetting that it was Mother's Day.

The audience drops a lot of f-bombs.

Source: wojo4hitz

Comm Bank Arts Ctr

Tegan talks about how a girl almost attacked Sara in the VIP section.

Source: wojo4hitz

Comm Bank Arts Center

Tegan wishes the audience happy holidays.

Source: wojo4hitz

Lisner Auditorium

Sara wants the house lights on but got a big ol' "NO."

Source: wojo4hitz

Lisner Auditorium

It is upsetting when people don't clap after a song. Don't be that person.

Source: wojo4hitz

Lisner Auditorium

The audience yells a lot of random...stuff.

Just wondering, are you (yes, you) a random yeller at concerts?

Source: wojo4hitz

Lisner Auditorium

Sara talks about what happened when her manager-at-the-time said to them, "Everything in the mini bar is on me." Let's just wasn't pretty.

Source: wojo4hitz

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mix-CD (Your Mix)

To those that participated in the mix-cd exchange:

Don't forget to share your playlist at take-a-listen!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

BeatTV (Uncut)

Part I of the unedited version of BeatTV.

Part II.

Source: soniccheese78

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Beat TV

Tegan and Sara on Beat TV at 7:03. Everyone hates Facebook. Jimmy is lame.

Source: beatTV

So Happy (and Anxious) Together

Interview with Tegan and Sara ("So Happy (and Anxious) Together") at Ragged (download the free .PDF, see pages 14-15).

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tegan's Blog Entry

"As you know if you read our Myspace Blog, Sara is at home in Montreal learning to knit and snowshoe while reflecting on the deeper meaning of life, and I am here in Vancouver trudging around in the rain attempting to put together a home or some semblance of one really…ha. It's been a long time since I've had a place of my own. My suitcase and filled-to-capacity storage unit have finally been transported into my new place, leaving me to sort out all the details of a life that's been wrapped in newspaper for what seems like a seriously ridiculous amount of time." (read Tegan's blog entry).

Monday, January 14, 2008

"Following completely sold out fall and winter tours of the U.S., Canada and Australia, Tegan and Sara will begin their "Out Of Hibernation Tour" in April on the West Coast and work their way east. As you already know, Tegan and Sara live are an out-of-the-ordinary experience not to be missed. Tickets for all shows will go on sale Friday, Jan. 18." (read).

Thanks to Libbie for the link!

Sara talks about seeing Kaki King for the very first time (aka the time Sara met her match).

Source: rottens304

Johnny was sick in Sydney.

Source: rottens304

Sara challenges the audience in Sydney.

Source: rottens304

Tegan talking about wearing the same shoes as Sara, having a new shoe coming out, and the passive-aggressive shoe war that they are currently in.

Source: rottens304

Thursday, January 10, 2008

"oh, it happens every time we stop touring for more than a few weeks. i miss seeing nine grown ups eating cereal in their pajama's in the front lounge of the bus. there's nothing like being 27, bra-less, in striped pajama's with a cloak of coma over your eyes amongst friends.

its lonely living alone and so i bought a television to watch the news. but the news gives me hives and heart burn and other stress induced ailments. so now i've been alternating educational evenings on even days and mindless network comedies on odds." (read Sara's MySpace blog).

A Conversation With Tegan

"Is the banter ever rehearsed?

We don’t even rehearse, so... [Laughs] No, the banter is pretty off the cuff. Sometimes I wish we would [rehearse] because we can be very funny and we also don’t usually tell the same story twice. Sara will start to tell something that I feel like I’ve heard before and I’m right in there, happy to be like “Uh, you told that already.” And then she’s like “Fuck!” and then will tell a variation or a story that correlates. It’s so funny because it’s something that our fans have talked a lot about - a lot of kids will come and see a lot of shows on tour, and they can because even though we’re playing a lot of the same songs, the show is never the same. The stories really influence the mood of the show and the mood of the audience - and they affect the temperament behind the music that night. I think that makes the shows diverse and I also think it makes the songs stand out and sound different than the record. That’s something we have to do because it would be so fucking boring to go out and sound exactly like the record."
(read full interview).

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Last Mix-CD Post

If you have sent me a postal address, you should have received an address of someone else. Please e-mail me or send me a message on MySpace if you have not received an address.

If you haven't send me a postal address but you still want to participate - what are you waiting for? Send me your information (please do so by January 10th). :)

All other mix-cd stuff will be posted at Yep. The Banter Blog is returning to, well, BANTER.

Monday, January 7, 2008

More Mix-CD Stuff

"The making of a great compilation tape, like breaking up, is hard to do and takes ages longer than it might seem. You gotta kick off with a killer, to grab attention. Then you got to take it up a notch, but you don't wanna blow your wad, so then you got to cool it off a notch. There are a lot of rules." - High Fidelity

The Theme: The majority has spoken and they detest the restrictiveness of a theme. So, the non-theme is, uh, a random mix of amazing music. :)

Of course, you should feel free to create your own theme or give "New Beginnings" a go.

Amount of Songs:
Totally up to you.

I will send you a message with the address of a randomly selected person on Thursday, January 10th. I know we're all busy people so I just ask that you try to mail your CD in a reasonable amount of time.

ETA: It's not too late to sign up. Just do so before Thursday.

AND: "In the spirit of discovering new artists, can I suggest that those who participate offer a track listing so recipients can look further into new music they enjoy?"

Tegan and Sara Write Music Across The Miles

"Having learned the benefits of letting an album build after the success of "So Jealous," Tegan and Sara plan to tour into 2008 to promote "The Con." And while it's too early to predict what the next recording project will be like, Sara acknowledges that the twins have considered striking out on their own - at least temporarily." (read article with quotes from Sara).

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mix-CD Stuff

You guys rock.

Lots of people are participating in the mix-cd exchange. Most people are totally willing to ship outside of the US/Canada, so don't be shy if you're outside of those two countries.

Once again, send me an e-mail or a message on MySpace if you're interested. Include your postal address and a note about whether you're willing to ship internationally (no biggie if you're not unless you live in an obscure country...). You'll receive two CDs (one from yours truly and another from a randomly selected person).

I plan on exchanging addresses on Thursday (Jan 10th).

ETA: Please comment (or send me a note) as to whether you want to create a mix-cd with a theme (i.e. A New Year / New Beginnings) or just a random mix of great tunes. Personally, I don't care which route we take. Reply (anonymous is fine) by Thursday if you have a preference.

Also - Meg from MySpace, it won't let me respond to your message unless we're friends (and I can't add you because I don't know your first and last name). So, add me. :)

Old School

Not banter but 32 seconds of old school Tegan and Sara.

Source: ZADA

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Mix-CD Madness

You must be bored.

I mean, you're checking The Banter Blog when Tegan and Sara are on a little winter holiday. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the traffic, ad clicks, and comments but I'm thinking maybe we can cure this boredom.

A few of us have chatted about creating a mix-cd exchange. Who better to exchange with than a Tegan and Sara fan? We obviously have awesome taste in music, right?

So, watch a few old banter clips and get inspired to create an awesome CD for a fellow fan.

What do you think? Are you in?

Interested parties should send me an e-mail or a message on MySpace.

The theme: A New Year / New Beginnings.

Coolest Songs in the World

"THE MOCKERS' "C'mon Over to My Side" is featured on "Coolest Songs in the World, Vol. 3," a compilation released by Little Steven and his "Underground Garage," a nationally syndicated radio show hosted by Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band guitarist Steve Van Zant.

The Norfolk-based group specializes in hooky, Beatle-esque pop. They were one of 16 bands on the compilation CD, which also included Tegan & Sara, Killer Barbies, The Fleshtones and The Dictators..." (read full blog entry).

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Going through Tegan and Sara withdrawal, eh?

Me too, Me too. Not much happening here, though. I've archived some new videos at Live and also put up a new poll on that site. Go watch. Go vote. Enjoy.

ETA: Fixed the link! Thanks guys!

Tegan and Sara talk about a friend's inability to make decisions (relating to a hair cut).

Source: kpocmcnally

In Melbourne, Sara has the crowd face the back of the venue and clap (above their heads, of course) to the beat of Back In Your Head.

Source: rottens304


553 of you voted in the last poll of 2007!

You want the job of:

197 (35%)
29 (5%)
41 (7%)
Seller of the Merch
131 (23%)
Art Director
100 (18%)
Tour Manager
55 (9%)

New poll coming soon.