Monday, September 17, 2007

The Book List Part II:

1. We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live: Collected Nonfiction - Sara. [source].
2. The Hotel New Hampshire - [source].
3. Fall on Your Knees - Sara. [source].

4. A Short History of Nearly Everything - Sara. [source].
5. The Zine Yearbook - Sara. [source].
6. A Widow for One Year - Sara. [source].

7. Epileptic - Sara. [source].
8. Until I Find You - Sara. [source].

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Sara does an impression of audiences with the lights off v. lights on. Sara is hella funny. Terror is awesome on a first date. They (well, Sara) goof up a song.

Source: TheTromboneGirl

Sara thought she was having an aneurysm.

Source: TheTromboneGirl