Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Conversation With Tegan

"Is the banter ever rehearsed?

We don’t even rehearse, so... [Laughs] No, the banter is pretty off the cuff. Sometimes I wish we would [rehearse] because we can be very funny and we also don’t usually tell the same story twice. Sara will start to tell something that I feel like I’ve heard before and I’m right in there, happy to be like “Uh, you told that already.” And then she’s like “Fuck!” and then will tell a variation or a story that correlates. It’s so funny because it’s something that our fans have talked a lot about - a lot of kids will come and see a lot of shows on tour, and they can because even though we’re playing a lot of the same songs, the show is never the same. The stories really influence the mood of the show and the mood of the audience - and they affect the temperament behind the music that night. I think that makes the shows diverse and I also think it makes the songs stand out and sound different than the record. That’s something we have to do because it would be so fucking boring to go out and sound exactly like the record."
(read full interview).

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