Sunday, December 9, 2007

Tegan needs self soothing time throughout the day and twenty minutes of cringing time in the morning.

Source: nagoooyen
Random Question:

What song would you love to hear Tegan and Sara cover?

Sara wrote BIYH without a tuner.

Source: bornentertainer66

Sara talks about driving on the tour bus for 24 hours, trying to order off the kids menu, and blowing a tire.

Source: bornentertainer66

They sort of answer a question about what super hero they would be (Well, Sara talks about a story on This American Life) and they talk about how they write music.

Source: bornentertainer66

They answer some questions from the audience ("What was your first guitar?" and "Are you following the U.S. political campaigns?").

Also, they submitted a song to Rock The Vote.

Source: bornentertainer66

Tegan comments on the Cancer Bats and how Sara struck up a friendship with them.

Source: bornentertainer66

Tegan gets the audience to hug their partners/friends in the audience.

Source: bornentertainer66

Sara talks about the audience sounding like waves.

Source: bornentertainer66

Tegan talks about her Hallmark song and being the "packing robot" type prior to going on tour. Sara comments about dating the packing robot type.

Source: bornentertainer66