Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tegan talks about tipping.

Source: wojo4hitz

Tegan loves Al.

Source: wojo4hitz

I Know I Know I Know goof up.

Source: : wojo4hitz

Talking about tattoos.

Source: wojo4hitz

Tegan points out a girl who is giving them the finger (chatter starts around 2:06).

Source: planegoesdown

Tegan singing with cue cards.

Source: baconlady11

Sara is not a superdelegate.

Source: danes38

Tegan talks about listening to old school T&S demos.

Source: danes38

The audience was lit up in Madison.

Source: wojo4hitz

"Mummy is getting old, sometimes she forgets the lyrics..."

Source: wojo4hitz

Sara talks about their night off in Madison (vodka, chasing Tegan, smoking, pool, etc).

Source: wojo4hitz

Sara checks on the balcony and thanks everyone for coming out.

Source: wojo4hitz

Band intro in Madison.

Commenting on bras being thrown on stage.

Source: wojo4hitz

Tegan talks about having water beds as kids.

Source: karalynn88