Thursday, February 28, 2008

"The last song is always the hardest..."

Sara talks about walking the "emotional land bridge" between the last song and the encore.

Source: wojo4hitz

Tegan ponders whether she is Scottish or Irish.

Source: brackishgirl

Sara talks about how important it is for young people to be involved in politics.

Source: brackishgirl

Tegan talks about the TV show Price Is Right.

Source: wolvesatnight

Songwriters' Circle

"Canada's finest songwriters share their stories behind the songs at Songwriters' Circle;
Tickets go on sale Saturday, March 1st - Music fans from coast to coast can tune in LIVE on CBC Radio to hear Tegan and Sara.

The writers will share with fans some of their unique creative processes, challenges and songwriting successes, all the while telling personal anecdotes behind their favourite songs." (link)