Friday, December 7, 2007

Sara talks about a grade eight locker room situation.

Source: wojo4hitz

Tegan dedicates a song to people who brought them homemade cookies.

Source: wojo4hitz

Stuff is thrown on the stage in North Carolina.

Source: wojo4hitz

Sara chatting about the bolt she installed on her bedroom door.

Source: wojo4hitz

Tegan and Sara at Borders in Ann Arbor.

Little chat about reality TV.

Source: mHeubel

"The twins say that this is also the first record they have made without time constraints. 'It actually feels like the first real Tegan and Sara record,' Tegan says. 'Most people don't really make their first album until our age anyway. We just started really young. Every single note on the album was methodically thought out and played or approved by us.'

When it comes to their live show, the quick-witted duo often employ shrewd wit and sarcasm to deal with any hecklers. Another trademark of the group is their humorous onstage bickering. The two, who are close friends, engage in plenty of acerbic bantering at each other. This stems from what they say is an intense obligation to entertain and close the gap between audience and performer. Sometimes, however, they must simply just play their songs." (read full article)