Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mix-CD Stuff

You guys rock.

Lots of people are participating in the mix-cd exchange. Most people are totally willing to ship outside of the US/Canada, so don't be shy if you're outside of those two countries.

Once again, send me an e-mail or a message on MySpace if you're interested. Include your postal address and a note about whether you're willing to ship internationally (no biggie if you're not unless you live in an obscure country...). You'll receive two CDs (one from yours truly and another from a randomly selected person).

I plan on exchanging addresses on Thursday (Jan 10th).

ETA: Please comment (or send me a note) as to whether you want to create a mix-cd with a theme (i.e. A New Year / New Beginnings) or just a random mix of great tunes. Personally, I don't care which route we take. Reply (anonymous is fine) by Thursday if you have a preference.

Also - Meg from MySpace, it won't let me respond to your message unless we're friends (and I can't add you because I don't know your first and last name). So, add me. :)


midnightcon said...

Do the mixes have to be themed?

Also is there a max number of tracks or can it just be however many you can squeeze on a CD-R?

Personally I always make mixes with 16 tracks. It just seems the perfect number! :)

just like anyone said...

1) Originally, I was thinking a theme for the new year (admittedly, I stole it from another group) but I'm not really sure about it now (having tried to make a few different playlists).

I'm open to suggestions. Do you all want to attempt the them or create a random mix?

2) As far as length, eh, do whatever works for you.

Anonymous said...

i'd prefer just whatever songs i guess... i was already trying to put together a "new beginings" type mix and had a few songs in mind, but i think i'd be able to make something more interesting without the theme restriction. :]
either way works for me though. i love this idea. :]

Anonymous said...

hmmm i'll go with random this time around. i really like this idea and i can't wait to hear my cd!

Anonymous said...

I also started a "New Beginnings" Mix but I wouldn't mind being able to go off theme here and there. Soooo I guess my vote is for a random one?

Anonymous said...

my vote is for a random mix :)

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I would love to hear other bands Tegan and Sara fans are listening to.