Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tegan and Sara live in Bryant Park Studios (listen at NPR Music).
"If you could be reincarnated as an animal, what would you choose to be?

Sara: Probably a house cat. It’s a safer life. I don’t want to be shot and eaten.

Tegan: I’d definitely want to be a cat. They have it so easy."

(read full interview)

Sara is a human being.

Source: alchieboogiez

Sara feels old.

Source: seh28

Tegan talks about hanging out in the park, her summer outfit, exposing her midsection, an awkward encounter with her landlord.

Source: seh28

Tour manages are Mr. Mom.

Source: sharmen14

Tegan misunderstands what someone in the audience yells.

Source: sharmen14

Sara talks about being recognized by thirteen year old girls.

Source: sharmen14
"'All the sudden," Tegan said, "you have big gaggles of girls screaming that they love us, and I'm kind of in the middle of a story about going to summer camp, and I'm like, 'Hey, hey, calm down, relax.' I may be on MTV, but I'm actually a normal human being.'" (read full article at diamondbackonline).